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Tube Saturator

Introducing WoodValvet:

Experience the timeless warmth and rich harmonics of classic tube distortion with the Woodvalvet Audio Plugin. Featuring three intuitive drive knobs, this plugin delivers vintage analog charm to your tracks, perfect for enhancing vocals, guitars, and any other instrument in need of that coveted analog vibe. Whether you're after subtle warmth or gritty overdrive, Woodvalvet combines vintage sound with modern precision, offering unparalleled tonal control with the convenience of digital flexibility. Ideal for producers seeking to add a touch of authentic tube character to their mixes.

System Requirements


• Compatible Mac: Intel or Apple Silicon (M1, M2, or newer)
• Operating System: macOS 14.4.1 or greater
• Processor: Intel® Core i5 or Apple Silicon (M1, M2, or newer); Intel® Core i7 or newer recommended
• Memory: 16GB RAM (32GB or more recommended)


• Compatible Devices: iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch
• Operating System: iOS 17 or greater
• Processor: A12 Bionic chip or newer
• Memory: Sufficient device storage to support app requirements (specific app requirements may vary)

Key Features

• Three tube stages, each with individual “Drive” control.
• Select different tube types (e.g., ECC82) for each stage.
• Stages 2 & 3 can be configured in series or parallel for varied harmonics.
• Stages 1 & 2 use Class A circuits; Stage 3 features a Class AB circuit.
• Input band filter allows harmonic addition to a specific frequency band.
• Post-tube lowpass filter reduces higher harmonics.
• “Constant Level” setting matches output level to input level.
• LFO modulates drive and filter settings.
• Sidechain input modulates drive settings (increase or duck mode).
• “Auto Gain Input” mode automatically adjusts quiet signals.
• Stereo spread control for enhanced spatial imaging.
• Brick-wall limiter on output prevents clipping.
• DC blocking output filter eliminates unwanted DC offset.
• Output phase switch for phase correction.
• Multi-channel bus support with per-channel drive weighting.
• Visual representation of generated harmonics.